Univ.-Prof. Dr. Regina Hitzenberger
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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Regina Hitzenberger
Aerosol Physics and Environmental Physics
Boltzmanngasse 5
Zi. 3115
1090 Wien
Research Interests
- Physical properties of atmospheric aerosols
- Cloud condensation nuclei (CCN)
- Diesel soot and biomass soot
- Radiative properties and climate effects of atmospheric aerosols
- Particulate matter and human health
Ongoing and Past Research Projects
Talks (Selection)
- Structural changes of atmospheric aerosol samples during thermal-optical analyses, EAC 2020 (Co-Author)
- Analysis of structural changes of two different CAST Soots during a thermal-optical measurement procedure, EAC 2019 (Co-Author)
- Aerosols and Climate Change, Budapest 2019 (Invited speaker)