Dr. Peter Josef Wlasits, MSc

Dr. Peter Josef Wlasits, MSc

Aerosol Physics and Environmental Physics


Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2 (UZA II)
Zi. 2C504
1090 Wien
+43-1-4277-734 21

Boltzmanngasse 5
Zi. 3203a
1090 Wien
+43-1-4277-511 32

 Research Interests

  • Heterogeneous nucleation processes
  • Nanoparticle generation
  • Condensation Particle Counters
  • Physicochemical interactions on the nanoscopic scale
  • Nanoplastics

 Ongoing and Past Research Projects

Project Participation

 Talks (Selection)

  • Heterogeneous nucleation of water onto sub-10 nm nanoplastic particles, IAC2022
  • Generation and size characterization of aerosolized nanoplastics, IAC2022
  • On the generation of aerosol nanoparticles from commodity and additive-free thermoplastics using a tube furnace, European Aerosol Conference 2021