Assoz. Prof. Dr. Paul Winkler
© Barbara Mair
Assoz. Prof. Dr. Paul Winkler
Deputy Head of Research Group:
Aerosol Physics and Environmental Physics
Boltzmanngasse 5
Zi. 3105
1090 Wien
+43 1 4277 734 03
Aerosol Particle Formation by Nucleation - to grow or not to grow
Paul Winkler
Claudia Mohr
Talk or oral contribution
21.2.2024 - 21.2.2024
Size Characterization of Aerosol Nanoplastics Generated Under Nitrogen Atmosphere
Hobza Constantin
Paul Winkler
Peter Josef Wlasits
European Aerosol Conference 2023
Talk or oral contribution
5.9.2023 - 5.9.2023
Heterogeneous nucleation of water onto sub-10 nm nanoplastic particles
Peter Josef Wlasits
Ruth Konrat
Paul Winkler
International Aerosol Conference 2022
Talk or oral contribution
8.9.2022 - 8.9.2022
Generation and size characterization of aerosolized nanoplastics
Peter Josef Wlasits
Andrea Stöllner
Gregor Lattner
Klara Maggauer
Paul Winkler
International Aerosol Conference 2022
Talk or oral contribution
6.9.2022 - 6.9.2022
On the generation of aerosol nanoparticles from commodity and additive-free thermoplastics using a tube furnace
Peter Josef Wlasits
Andrea Stoellner
Gregor Lattner
Klara Maggauer
Paul Winkler
European Aerosol Conference 2021
Poster presentation
30.8.2021 - 30.8.2021
On the seed material-dependence of the detection efficiency of commonly used condensation particle counters
Peter Josef Wlasits
Dominik Stolzenburg
Christian Tauber
Sophia Brilke
Sebastian Harald Schmitt
Paul Winkler
Daniela Wimmer
European Aerosol Conference 2020 - Online gehalten
Poster presentation
3.9.2020 - 3.9.2020
Über die Entstehung von biogenen Nanoteilchen in einem weiten Temperaturbereich der Troposphäre
Paul Winkler
Talk or oral contribution
19.9.2019 - 19.9.2019
Quantitative particle-sizing in the cluster-particle transition region with a DMA-train
Paul Winkler
Seminar World of nanoparticles
Talk or oral contribution
10.9.2019 - 10.9.2019
CPC Counting efficiency measurements with mobility standards in the 1-4nm range generated by a bipolar electrospray source
Sophia Brilke
Julian Resch
Gerhard Steiner
Markus Leiminger
Paul Winkler
European Aerosol Conference 2019
Talk or oral contribution
29.8.2019 - 29.8.2019
In-situ aerosol nanoparticle characterization by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS)
Paulus Bauer
Heinz Amenitsch
Bernhard Baumgartner
Gerald Köberl
Christian Rentenberger
Paul Winkler
European Aerosol Conference 2019
Talk or oral contribution
29.8.2019 - 29.8.2019
Characterization of a non-thermal plasma source for the use as a mass spec calibration tool and non-radioactive aerosol charger
Christian Tauber
Johannes Gruenwald
David Schmoll
Sophia Brilke
Paul Winkler
European Aerosol Conference 2019
Talk or oral contribution
27.8.2019 - 27.8.2019
Collision enhancement in sulfuric acid driven nanoparticle growth
Dominik Stolzenburg
Mario Simon
A. Ranjithkumar
Katrianne Lehtipalo
Andreas Kürten
Tuomo Nieminen
Hamish Gordon
Jasper Kirkby
Paul Winkler
European Aerosol Conference 2019
Talk or oral contribution
27.8.2019 - 27.8.2019
Laboratory evaluation of the versatile water-based condensation particle counter (TSI 3789)
Peter Josef Wlasits
Dominik Stolzenburg
Sophia Brilke
Julian Resch
Sebastian Schmitt
Axel Zerrath
Paul Winkler
Daniela Wimmer
European Aerosol Conference 2019
Poster presentation
26.8.2019 - 26.8.2019
Measurement of aerosol growth rate in the free molecular regime using vacuum ultra violet light with the constant angle mie scattering (VUV-CAMS) Method
Miguel Vázquez-Pufleau
Paul Winkler
European Aerosol Conference 2019
Talk or oral contribution
26.8.2019 - 26.8.2019
Verschwindet der Weltraum am Tag?
Paul Winkler
Die Farbe des Himmels
Talk or oral contribution
10.7.2019 - 10.7.2019
Aerosol particle formation studies in the industrial region of Vienna
Paul Winkler
Graduate Seminar
Talk or oral contribution
26.6.2019 - 26.6.2019
New particle formation and sub 10nm size distribution measurements in Paphos, Cyprus during A-LIFE field experiment
Sophia Brilke
Nikolaus Fölker
Xianghong Gong
Konrad Kandler
Nan Ma
Thomas Müller
Jeff Peischl
Anne Philipp
Petra Seibert
Bernadett Weinzierl
Paul Winkler
12th International Conference on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere (ICCPA) 2019
Poster presentation
4.4.2019 - 4.4.2019
Nano meets Enviro – Ultrafine Particles in the Ambient Air
Paul Winkler
6. GRIMM Erfahrungsaustausch der Messnetze & Nano meets Enviro
Talk or oral contribution
3.4.2019 - 3.4.2019
Aerosolteilchenentstehung durch Nukleation
Paul Winkler
Plus Lucis 73. Fortbildungswoche
Talk or oral contribution
25.2.2019 - 25.2.2019
Combining a PTR3-TOF-MS with a Nitrate-CIMS: Quantifying initial nanoparticle growth over a wide tropospheric temperature range
Dominik Stolzenburg
Lukas Fischer
Alexander L. Vogel
Martin Heinritzi
Meredith Schervish
Mario Simon
Neil M. Donahue
Armin Hansel
Paul Winkler
8th International PTR-MS Conference
Talk or oral contribution
7.2.2019 - 7.2.2019