Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernadett Weinzierl
Head of Research Group:
Aerosol Physics and Environmental Physics
Boltzmanngasse 5
Zi. 3138
1090 Wien
+43 1 4277 734 12
Office hours: please make an appointment with the secretariat
Showing entries 21 - 40 out of 127
Morphology and chemical composition of aerosol single particles over the Eastern Mediterranean
Aryasree Sudharaj
Konrad Kandler
N. Benker
Bernadett Weinzierl
Maximilian Dollner
Josef Gasteiger
Adrian Walser
European Aerosol Conference 2021
Talk or oral contribution
2.9.2021 - 2.9.2021
Aerosole und ihre Bedeutung in der COVID‐19 Pandemie
Bernadett Weinzierl
ÖGHM Symposium
Talk or oral contribution
18.5.2021 - 18.5.2021
Model-based closure experiments with optical particle counters for dust-like aerosols
Josef Gasteiger
Adrian Walser
Maximilian Dollner
Marilena Teri
Bernadett Weinzierl
EGU, General Assembly 2021
Talk or oral contribution
30.4.2021 - 30.4.2021
The A‐LIFE field experiment in the Eastern Mediterranean ‐ Overview and selected highlights
Bernadett Weinzierl
Josef Gasteiger
Marilena Teri
Maximilian Dollner
Nina Maherndl
Manuel Schöberl
Petra Seibert
Anne Tipka
Katharina Heimerl
2021 General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (vEGU21)
Talk or oral contribution
30.4.2021 - 30.4.2021
Large hemispheric difference in ultrafine aerosol concentrations in the lowermost stratosphere
C.J. Williamson
Agnieszka Kupc
Andrew W. Rollins
Jan Kazil
K. D. Froyd
Eric Ray
D. Murphy
Gregory P. Schill
Gregory P. Schill
J. Peischl
Ilann Bourgeois
Maximilian Dollner
Bernadett Weinzierl
Charles A. Brock
EGU, General Assembly 2021
Talk or oral contribution
28.4.2021 - 28.4.2021
Global in-situ cloud phase observations during the airborne Atmospheric Tomography mission and A-LIFE field experiment
Maximilian Dollner
Josef Gasteiger
Manuel Schöberl
Glenn S. Diskin
Thin Bui
Charles A. Brock
Bernadett Weinzierl
EGU, General Assembly 2021
Talk or oral contribution
27.4.2021 - 27.4.2021
Workshop connecting different disciplines from aerosol physics to medicine and ventilation technology
Bernadett Weinzierl
Christof Asbach
Gerhard Scheuch
GAeF Workshop Aerosol & SARS-CoV-2
Talk or oral contribution
17.3.2021 - 17.3.2021
Global measurements of fine and coarse mode aerosol – Insights from recent aircraft field experiment
Bernadett Weinzierl
Online Physics Colloquium, University of Milan
Talk or oral contribution
2.2.2021 - 2.2.2021
The atmospheric aerosol – an important player in the global climate system
Bernadett Weinzierl
Online Physics Colloquium, University of Mainz
Talk or oral contribution
19.1.2021 - 19.1.2021
WP 3.1: Analysis of gaps in field observations regarding the climate effects of aviation – focus on airborne in-situ measurements
Bernadett Weinzierl
Maximilian Dollner
Judith Hahofer
ACACIA Annual Meeting
Talk or oral contribution
18.1.2021 - 18.1.2021
An in-situ characterization of aged stratospheric smoke from the 2017 Pacific Northwest Event pyrocumulonimbus
Joseph M. Katich
Eric C. Apel
Ilann Bourgeois
Charles A. Brock
T.P. Bui
P. Campuzano-Jost
Roisin Commane
Bruce C. Daube
Matthias Fromm
Maximilian Dollner
Karl Froyd
Alan J. Hills
Rebecca S. Hornbrook
Jose Jimenez
K. Lamb
Agnieszka Kupc
D. M. Murphy
Benjamin A. Nault
Jeff Peischl
Dawn E. Peterson
Thomas B. Ryerson
Gregory P. Schill
J. C. Schroder
Bernadett Weinzierl
C. Thompson
Christina Williamson
Steven C. Wofsy
Pengfei Yu
Joshua P. Schwarz
AGU Fall Meeting 2020
Poster presentation
17.12.2020 - 17.12.2020
A Global-Scale In Situ Dataset of Aerosol Properties from the Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom)
Charles Brock
Agnieszka Kupc
Christina Williamson
Karl D. Froyd
Gregory P. Schill
D. M. Murphy
Jose L. Jimenez
P. Campuzano-Jost
Bernadett Weinzierl
Maximilian Dollner
Joshua P. Schwarz
Joseph M. Katich
Jack Dibb
Rodney J. Weber
Zeng Linghan
Glenn S. Diskin
Thaopaul V. Bui
AGU Fall Meeting 2020
Talk or oral contribution
10.12.2020 - 10.12.2020
Validation of the truncation error correction for the Aurora 4000 polar nephelometer
Marilena Teri
Thomas Müller
Josef Gasteiger
Sara Valentini
Helmuth Horvath
Roberta Vecchi
Bernadett Weinzierl
European Aerosol Conference 2020 - Online gehalten
Talk or oral contribution
3.9.2020 - 3.9.2020
Model study on effect of hematite and goethite on optical properties of inhomogeneous desert dust aerosols
Josef Gasteiger
Andreas Gattringer
Bernadett Weinzierl
EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online
Talk or oral contribution
8.5.2020 - 8.5.2020
Comparison of cirrus clouds in naturally and anthropogenically influenced regions of the atmosphere
Maximilian Dollner
Josef Gasteiger
Charles A. Brock
Manuel Schöberl
Christina Williamson
Agnieszka Kupc
Anne Philipp
Petra Seibert
Karl Froyd
Gregory P. Schill
Daniel M. Murphy
Glenn S. Diskin
T. Paul Bui
Bernadett Weinzierl
EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online
Talk or oral contribution
6.5.2020 - 6.5.2020
Using ATom observations and models to understand what precursors drive NPF in the remote free troposphere
Agnieszka Kupc
Christina Williamson
Anna L. Hodshire
Jeffrey R. Pierce
J. Kazil
Eric Ray
Karl Froyd
Andrew W. Rollins
Matthews Richardson
Bernadett Weinzierl
Maximilian Dollner
Frank Erdesz
T.P. Bui
Charles A. Brock
EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online
Talk or oral contribution
6.5.2020 - 6.5.2020
Aerosolphysik und Umweltphysik, Jahresrückblick 2019
Bernadett Weinzierl
Weinachtsfeier Aersolphysik und Umweltphysik 2019
Talk or oral contribution
18.12.2019 - 18.12.2019
Basics and Examples of Aerosol Optics
Marilena Teri
Josef Gasteiger
Manuel Schöberl
Maximilian Dollner
Katharina Heimerl
Petra Seibert
Anne Philipp
Bernadett Weinzierl
VDS Physics Science Day
Talk or oral contribution
12.12.2019 - 12.12.2019
Kleine Teilchen, große Wirkung – Aerosolpartikel und ihr Effekt auf die Atmosphäre und das Klima
Bernadett Weinzierl
Talk or oral contribution
24.9.2019 - 24.9.2019
Airborne campaign data processing and documentation
Bernadett Weinzierl
ESA Preliminary Results Meeting
Talk or oral contribution
16.9.2019 - 16.9.2019