Dr. Maximilian Dollner, MSc
Aerosol Physics and Environmental Physics
Boltzmanngasse 5
Zi. 3139
1090 Wien
+43-1-4277-734 11
Showing entries 21 - 40 out of 53
An in-situ characterization of aged stratospheric smoke from the 2017 Pacific Northwest Event pyrocumulonimbus
Joseph M. Katich
Eric C. Apel
Ilann Bourgeois
Charles A. Brock
T.P. Bui
P. Campuzano-Jost
Roisin Commane
Bruce C. Daube
Matthias Fromm
Maximilian Dollner
Karl Froyd
Alan J. Hills
Rebecca S. Hornbrook
Jose Jimenez
K. Lamb
Agnieszka Kupc
D. M. Murphy
Benjamin A. Nault
Jeff Peischl
Dawn E. Peterson
Thomas B. Ryerson
Gregory P. Schill
J. C. Schroder
Bernadett Weinzierl
C. Thompson
Christina Williamson
Steven C. Wofsy
Pengfei Yu
Joshua P. Schwarz
AGU Fall Meeting 2020
Poster presentation
17.12.2020 - 17.12.2020
A Global-Scale In Situ Dataset of Aerosol Properties from the Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom)
Charles Brock
Agnieszka Kupc
Christina Williamson
Karl D. Froyd
Gregory P. Schill
D. M. Murphy
Jose L. Jimenez
P. Campuzano-Jost
Bernadett Weinzierl
Maximilian Dollner
Joshua P. Schwarz
Joseph M. Katich
Jack Dibb
Rodney J. Weber
Zeng Linghan
Glenn S. Diskin
Thaopaul V. Bui
AGU Fall Meeting 2020
Talk or oral contribution
10.12.2020 - 10.12.2020
Comparison of cirrus clouds in naturally and anthropogenically influenced regions of the atmosphere
Maximilian Dollner
Josef Gasteiger
Charles A. Brock
Manuel Schöberl
Christina Williamson
Agnieszka Kupc
Anne Philipp
Petra Seibert
Karl Froyd
Gregory P. Schill
Daniel M. Murphy
Glenn S. Diskin
T. Paul Bui
Bernadett Weinzierl
EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online
Talk or oral contribution
6.5.2020 - 6.5.2020
Using ATom observations and models to understand what precursors drive NPF in the remote free troposphere
Agnieszka Kupc
Christina Williamson
Anna L. Hodshire
Jeffrey R. Pierce
J. Kazil
Eric Ray
Karl Froyd
Andrew W. Rollins
Matthews Richardson
Bernadett Weinzierl
Maximilian Dollner
Frank Erdesz
T.P. Bui
Charles A. Brock
EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online
Talk or oral contribution
6.5.2020 - 6.5.2020
Basics and Examples of Aerosol Optics
Marilena Teri
Josef Gasteiger
Manuel Schöberl
Maximilian Dollner
Katharina Heimerl
Petra Seibert
Anne Philipp
Bernadett Weinzierl
VDS Physics Science Day
Talk or oral contribution
12.12.2019 - 12.12.2019
Understanding Tropical New Particle Formation with data from NASA’s Atmospheric Tomography Mission
Christina Williamson
Agnieszka Kupc
Duncan Axisa
Thaopaul V. Bui
Pedro Campuzano-Jost
Maximilian Dollner
K. D. Froyd
Anna L. Hodshire
Jose Jimenez
John K. Kodros
G. Luo
Daniel M. Murphy
Benjamin A. Nault
Eric Ray
Bernadett Weinzierl
James Wilson
Fangqun Yu
Pengfei Yu
Jeffrey R. Pierce
Charles A. Brock
European Aerosol Conference 2019
Talk or oral contribution
26.8.2019 - 26.8.2019
Using ATom observations and models to understand what drives NPF and growth to CCN-sizes in the remote free troposphere
Agnieszka Kupc
Christina Williamson
Anna L. Hodshire
Jeffrey R. Pierce
Eric Ray
J. Kazil
Karl Froyd
Mathews Richardson
Maximilian Dollner
Bernadett Weinzierl
Frank Erdesz
T.P. Bui
Charles Brock
European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019
Talk or oral contribution
9.4.2019 - 9.4.2019
Global-scale Measurements of Aerosol Properties from the Atmospheric Tomography (ATom) Mission
Charles A. Brock
Christina Williamson
Agnieszka Kupc
Thaopaul V. Bui
Pedro Campuzano-Jost
Douglas Day
Maximilian Dollner
Karl D. Froyd
Jose Jimenez
Joseph M. Katich
Daniel M. Murphy
Benjamin A. Nault
Eric Ray
Gregory P. Schill
Jason C. Schroder
Joshua P. Schwarz
Bernadett Weinzierl
European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019
Talk or oral contribution
8.4.2019 - 8.4.2019
Black Carbon in Saharan and Arabian dust layers during A-LIFE
Katharina Heimerl
Marilena Teri
Maximilian Dollner
Josef Gasteiger
Manuel Schöberl
Petra Seibert
Anne Philipp
Bernadett Weinzierl
12th International Conference on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere (ICCPA) 2019
Talk or oral contribution
5.4.2019 - 5.4.2019
Die Quellen von Aerosol im östlichen Mittelmeer während der A-LIFE-Feldmesskampagne 2017
Petra Seibert
Anne Philipp
Josef Gasteiger
Katharina Heimerl
Marilena Teri
Maximilian Dollner
Bernadett Weinzierl
DACH Meteorologentagung 2019
Poster presentation
18.3.2019 - 18.3.2019
Airborne multi-wavelength scattering measurements in Saharan and Arabian dust layers during A-LIFE
Marilena Teri
Josef Gasteiger
Thomas Müller
Maximilian Dollner
Petra Seibert
Anne Philipp
Manuel Schöberl
Fernando Germán Chouza Keil
Bernadett Weinzierl
ERCA 2019
Poster presentation
11.1.2019 - 11.1.2019
Measurements of cloud-active aerosol particles in the marine boundary layer from 80°N to 85°S during the atmospheric tomography (ATOM) Mission
Charles A. Brock
Agnieszka Kupc
Christina Williamson
Karl D. Froyd
Daniel M. Murphy
Jose Jimenez
Pedro Campuzano-Jost
Benjamin A. Nault
Bernadett Weinzierl
Maximilian Dollner
Frank Erdesz
Matthews Richardson
N. L. Wagner
T. V. Bui
AGU Fall Meeting 2018
Poster presentation
14.12.2018 - 14.12.2018
New particle formation and growth to CCN sizes over the remote tropical Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. ATom observations and modeling studies
Agnieszka Straus
Christina Williamson
Anna L. Hodshire
Jeffrey R. Pierce
Eric Ray
J. Kazil
Karl Froyd
Mathews Richardson
Maximilian Dollner
Bernadett Weinzierl
Frank Erdesz
T. Paul Bui
Charles A. Brock
AGU Fall Meeting 2018
Talk or oral contribution
14.12.2018 - 14.12.2018
Sources, sinks and processing of newly formed particles in the remote free troposphere - comparing in situ-measurements form the Nasa Atomospheric Tomography Mission with chemistry climate models
Christina Williamson
Agnieszka Kupc
John K. Kodros
Anna L. Hodshire
Jeffrey R. Pierce
Pengfei Yu
Fangqun Yu
Gan Luo
Eric Ray
Bernadett Weinzierl
Maximilian Dollner
T. V. Bui
K. D. Froyd
Frank Erdesz
Mathews Richardson
Charles Brock
AGU Fall Meeting 2018
Poster presentation
14.12.2018 - 14.12.2018
Air-sea exchange of volatile organic compounds (VOCs): a missing link between the sea surface carbon pool and the reactive carbon in the atmosphere
Siyuan Wang
Eric C. Apel
J.-F. Lamarque
Rebecca S. Hornbrook
Simone Tilmes
Louisa K. Emmons
Rebecca Schwantes
Jose Jimenez
Pedro Campuzano-Jost
Thomas B. Ryerson
Chelsea R. Thompson
Fred L. Moore
Jeff Peischl
David Tanner
L. Gregory Huey
Kathryn McKain
Colm Sweeney
Alan J. Hills
Samuel R. Hall
Kirk Ullmann
Charles Brock
Bernadett Weinzierl
Maximilian Dollner
AGU Fall Meeting 2018
Poster presentation
12.12.2018 - 12.12.2018
Airborne cloud measurements during A‐LIFE
Maximilian Dollner
2nd A-LIFE Workshop
Talk or oral contribution
29.11.2018 - 29.11.2018
Airborne multi-wavelength polar scattering measurements in Saharan and Arabian dust layers during A-LIFE
Marilena Teri
Josef Gasteiger
Thomas Müller
Sara Valentini
Helmuth Horvath
Manuel Schöberl
Maximilian Dollner
Petra Seibert
Anne Philipp
Roberta Vecchi
Bernadett Weinzierl
2nd A-LIFE Workshop
Talk or oral contribution
29.11.2018 - 29.11.2018
Black Carbon in Saharan and Arabian Dust Layers during A-LIFE
Katharina Heimerl
Marilena Teri
Maximilian Dollner
Josef Gasteiger
Manuel Schöberl
Petra Seibert
Anne Philipp
Bernadett Weinzierl
2nd A-LIFE Workshop
Talk or oral contribution
29.11.2018 - 29.11.2018
The A‐LIFE field experiment in the Eastern Mediterranean – Overview and early results
Bernadett Weinzierl
Josef Gasteiger
Marilena Teri
Maximilian Dollner
Petra Seibert
Anne Philipp
Manuel Schöberl
Katharina Heimerl
Heidi Huntrieser
Robert Wagner
Thomas Müller
Albert Ansmann
David Mateos
Carlos Toledano
The A-LIFE Science Team
Staubtag Darmstadt
Talk or oral contribution
28.11.2018 - 28.11.2018
Optical single particle sizing of desert dust aerosol: Effect of refractive index and shape variability and application to A-LIFE data
Josef Gasteiger
Maximilian Dollner
Antonio Spanu
Adrian Walser
Bernadett Weinzierl
9th International Workshop on Sand/Dust storms
Poster presentation
23.5.2018 - 23.5.2018
Showing entries 21 - 40 out of 53