Dr. Maximilian Dollner, MSc

Aerosol Physics and Environmental Physics

Boltzmanngasse 5
Zi. 3139
1090 Wien
+43-1-4277-734 11


Showing entries 21 - 40 out of 53

An in-situ characterization of aged stratospheric smoke from the 2017 Pacific Northwest Event pyrocumulonimbus

Joseph M. Katich , Eric C. Apel , Ilann Bourgeois , Charles A. Brock , T.P. Bui , P. Campuzano-Jost , Roisin Commane , Bruce C. Daube , Matthias Fromm , Maximilian Dollner , Karl Froyd , Alan J. Hills , Rebecca S. Hornbrook , Jose Jimenez , K. Lamb , Agnieszka Kupc , D. M. Murphy , Benjamin A. Nault , Jeff Peischl , Dawn E. Peterson , Thomas B. Ryerson , Gregory P. Schill , J. C. Schroder , Bernadett Weinzierl , C. Thompson , Christina Williamson , Steven C. Wofsy , Pengfei Yu , Joshua P. Schwarz
AGU Fall Meeting 2020
Conference, Poster presentation
17.12.2020 - 17.12.2020

A Global-Scale In Situ Dataset of Aerosol Properties from the Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom)

Charles Brock , Agnieszka Kupc , Christina Williamson , Karl D. Froyd , Gregory P. Schill , D. M. Murphy , Jose L. Jimenez , P. Campuzano-Jost , Bernadett Weinzierl , Maximilian Dollner , Joshua P. Schwarz , Joseph M. Katich , Jack Dibb , Rodney J. Weber , Zeng Linghan , Glenn S. Diskin , Thaopaul V. Bui
AGU Fall Meeting 2020
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
10.12.2020 - 10.12.2020

Comparison of cirrus clouds in naturally and anthropogenically influenced regions of the atmosphere

Maximilian Dollner , Josef Gasteiger , Charles A. Brock , Manuel Schöberl , Christina Williamson , Agnieszka Kupc , Anne Philipp , Petra Seibert , Karl Froyd , Gregory P. Schill , Daniel M. Murphy , Glenn S. Diskin , T. Paul Bui , Bernadett Weinzierl
EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
6.5.2020 - 6.5.2020

Using ATom observations and models to understand what precursors drive NPF in the remote free troposphere

Agnieszka Kupc , Christina Williamson , Anna L. Hodshire , Jeffrey R. Pierce , J. Kazil , Eric Ray , Karl Froyd , Andrew W. Rollins , Matthews Richardson , Bernadett Weinzierl , Maximilian Dollner , Frank Erdesz , T.P. Bui , Charles A. Brock
EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
6.5.2020 - 6.5.2020

Basics and Examples of Aerosol Optics

Marilena Teri , Josef Gasteiger , Manuel Schöberl , Maximilian Dollner , Katharina Heimerl , Petra Seibert , Anne Philipp , Bernadett Weinzierl
VDS Physics Science Day
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
12.12.2019 - 12.12.2019

Understanding Tropical New Particle Formation with data from NASA’s Atmospheric Tomography Mission

Christina Williamson , Agnieszka Kupc , Duncan Axisa , Thaopaul V. Bui , Pedro Campuzano-Jost , Maximilian Dollner , K. D. Froyd , Anna L. Hodshire , Jose Jimenez , John K. Kodros , G. Luo , Daniel M. Murphy , Benjamin A. Nault , Eric Ray , Bernadett Weinzierl , James Wilson , Fangqun Yu , Pengfei Yu , Jeffrey R. Pierce , Charles A. Brock
European Aerosol Conference 2019
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
26.8.2019 - 26.8.2019

Using ATom observations and models to understand what drives NPF and growth to CCN-sizes in the remote free troposphere

Agnieszka Kupc , Christina Williamson , Anna L. Hodshire , Jeffrey R. Pierce , Eric Ray , J. Kazil , Karl Froyd , Mathews Richardson , Maximilian Dollner , Bernadett Weinzierl , Frank Erdesz , T.P. Bui , Charles Brock
European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
9.4.2019 - 9.4.2019

Global-scale Measurements of Aerosol Properties from the Atmospheric Tomography (ATom) Mission

Charles A. Brock , Christina Williamson , Agnieszka Kupc , Thaopaul V. Bui , Pedro Campuzano-Jost , Douglas Day , Maximilian Dollner , Karl D. Froyd , Jose Jimenez , Joseph M. Katich , Daniel M. Murphy , Benjamin A. Nault , Eric Ray , Gregory P. Schill , Jason C. Schroder , Joshua P. Schwarz , Bernadett Weinzierl
European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
8.4.2019 - 8.4.2019

Black Carbon in Saharan and Arabian dust layers during A-LIFE

Katharina Heimerl , Marilena Teri , Maximilian Dollner , Josef Gasteiger , Manuel Schöberl , Petra Seibert , Anne Philipp , Bernadett Weinzierl
12th International Conference on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere (ICCPA) 2019
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
5.4.2019 - 5.4.2019

Die Quellen von Aerosol im östlichen Mittelmeer während der A-LIFE-Feldmesskampagne 2017

Petra Seibert , Anne Philipp , Josef Gasteiger , Katharina Heimerl , Marilena Teri , Maximilian Dollner , Bernadett Weinzierl
DACH Meteorologentagung 2019
Conference, Poster presentation
18.3.2019 - 18.3.2019

Airborne multi-wavelength scattering measurements in Saharan and Arabian dust layers during A-LIFE

Marilena Teri , Josef Gasteiger , Thomas Müller , Maximilian Dollner , Petra Seibert , Anne Philipp , Manuel Schöberl , Fernando Germán Chouza Keil , Bernadett Weinzierl
ERCA 2019
Conference, Poster presentation
11.1.2019 - 11.1.2019

Measurements of cloud-active aerosol particles in the marine boundary layer from 80°N to 85°S during the atmospheric tomography (ATOM) Mission

Charles A. Brock , Agnieszka Kupc , Christina Williamson , Karl D. Froyd , Daniel M. Murphy , Jose Jimenez , Pedro Campuzano-Jost , Benjamin A. Nault , Bernadett Weinzierl , Maximilian Dollner , Frank Erdesz , Matthews Richardson , N. L. Wagner , T. V. Bui
AGU Fall Meeting 2018
Conference, Poster presentation
14.12.2018 - 14.12.2018

New particle formation and growth to CCN sizes over the remote tropical Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. ATom observations and modeling studies

Agnieszka Straus , Christina Williamson , Anna L. Hodshire , Jeffrey R. Pierce , Eric Ray , J. Kazil , Karl Froyd , Mathews Richardson , Maximilian Dollner , Bernadett Weinzierl , Frank Erdesz , T. Paul Bui , Charles A. Brock
AGU Fall Meeting 2018
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
14.12.2018 - 14.12.2018

Sources, sinks and processing of newly formed particles in the remote free troposphere - comparing in situ-measurements form the Nasa Atomospheric Tomography Mission with chemistry climate models

Christina Williamson , Agnieszka Kupc , John K. Kodros , Anna L. Hodshire , Jeffrey R. Pierce , Pengfei Yu , Fangqun Yu , Gan Luo , Eric Ray , Bernadett Weinzierl , Maximilian Dollner , T. V. Bui , K. D. Froyd , Frank Erdesz , Mathews Richardson , Charles Brock
AGU Fall Meeting 2018
Conference, Poster presentation
14.12.2018 - 14.12.2018

Air-sea exchange of volatile organic compounds (VOCs): a missing link between the sea surface carbon pool and the reactive carbon in the atmosphere

Siyuan Wang , Eric C. Apel , J.-F. Lamarque , Rebecca S. Hornbrook , Simone Tilmes , Louisa K. Emmons , Rebecca Schwantes , Jose Jimenez , Pedro Campuzano-Jost , Thomas B. Ryerson , Chelsea R. Thompson , Fred L. Moore , Jeff Peischl , David Tanner , L. Gregory Huey , Kathryn McKain , Colm Sweeney , Alan J. Hills , Samuel R. Hall , Kirk Ullmann , Charles Brock , Bernadett Weinzierl , Maximilian Dollner
AGU Fall Meeting 2018
Conference, Poster presentation
12.12.2018 - 12.12.2018

Airborne cloud measurements during A‐LIFE

Maximilian Dollner
2nd A-LIFE Workshop
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
29.11.2018 - 29.11.2018

Airborne multi-wavelength polar scattering measurements in Saharan and Arabian dust layers during A-LIFE

Marilena Teri , Josef Gasteiger , Thomas Müller , Sara Valentini , Helmuth Horvath , Manuel Schöberl , Maximilian Dollner , Petra Seibert , Anne Philipp , Roberta Vecchi , Bernadett Weinzierl
2nd A-LIFE Workshop
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
29.11.2018 - 29.11.2018

Black Carbon in Saharan and Arabian Dust Layers during A-LIFE

Katharina Heimerl , Marilena Teri , Maximilian Dollner , Josef Gasteiger , Manuel Schöberl , Petra Seibert , Anne Philipp , Bernadett Weinzierl
2nd A-LIFE Workshop
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
29.11.2018 - 29.11.2018

The A‐LIFE field experiment in the Eastern Mediterranean – Overview and early results

Bernadett Weinzierl , Josef Gasteiger , Marilena Teri , Maximilian Dollner , Petra Seibert , Anne Philipp , Manuel Schöberl , Katharina Heimerl , Heidi Huntrieser , Robert Wagner , Thomas Müller , Albert Ansmann , David Mateos , Carlos Toledano , The A-LIFE Science Team
Staubtag Darmstadt
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
28.11.2018 - 28.11.2018

Optical single particle sizing of desert dust aerosol: Effect of refractive index and shape variability and application to A-LIFE data

Josef Gasteiger , Maximilian Dollner , Antonio Spanu , Adrian Walser , Bernadett Weinzierl
9th International Workshop on Sand/Dust storms
Seminar/Workshop, Poster presentation
23.5.2018 - 23.5.2018

Showing entries 21 - 40 out of 53